As a parent, you know how fast a situation can turn for the worse, which is why you are always concerned for your child’s safety whenever he or she is involved in any type of sporting event. A particular area of concern for you is how sudden impact to your child’s mouth can result in tooth loss. You’ve learned about the value of wearing mouthguards in Castle Rock, but your child doesn’t think it looks cool enough. What can you do? As you read on, your pediatric dentist provides some helpful suggestions!
Castle Rock Smiles Blog
Prevent Dental Emergencies with Mouthguards in Castle Rock!
October 18, 2018
The Importance of Dentistry for Special Needs Kids in Castle Rock
September 5, 2018
For parents of children with unique needs, it can be difficult finding professionals who can provide the specialized care they require. When it comes to oral care, the same applies. Thus, you need dentistry for special needs kids in Castle Rock provided by a dentist who is properly trained and experienced in working with this population. Read on to learn why it’s necessary to find the right type of professional to calm your child’s anxieties and deliver quality care.
A Children’s Dentist in Castle Rock Talks Infant Oral Care
August 27, 2018
You’re walking down the hallway with your infant straddled to your hip, when their pacifier suddenly falls out of their mouth and onto the floor. You quickly pick it up, clean it in your mouth, and return it to your little one before they can start to get fussy. Does this scenario sound familiar?
We often pick up childcare habits from our own parents, relatives and close friends. However, some of these “innocent” habits may not be so safe after all, especially when it comes to your child’s oral health. In today’s blog post, a children’s dentist in Castle Rock reviews some common pacifier habits and shares preventive oral care tips for your little one’s growing teeth.
Why Your Children’s Dentist in Castle Rock Recommends Fluoride Use
July 9, 2018
Fluoride is a mineral that is typically found in many natural water sources, but it can also be found in food when the source it was grown or processed from also utilized it. It’s also found in toothpaste recommended by the American Dental Association and your children’s dentist in Castle Rock.
However, you may have questions about this mineral and how it benefits your child’s oral development. You may be wondering what it’s benefits are or how to include more of it in your diet. Today, your dentist is here to do exactly that.
Tips to Soothe Teething from the Children’s Dentist in Castle Rock
June 19, 2018
Before that adorable smile makes an appearance, those precious little teeth have to push their way through your baby’s gums. This process, called teething, can lead to swelling and discomfort for your little one—not a pleasant situation for either of you. Fortunately, there are things you can do to help. Read on to learn what a children’s dentist in Castle Rock recommends.
Tips for a Smooth Visit with the Children’s Dentist in Castle Rock
June 9, 2018
Let’s face it—if you listened to your children every time they said, “NO!” then they’d walk out of the house without shoes everyday, eat candy and popcorn for breakfast, lunch and dinner and never, ever, ever see the children’s dentist in Castle Rock. Fortunately, they have parents who know what’s good for them, and regular dental checkups are not only good, they’re important. Of course, this doesn’t mean that the first visit won’t take a certain amount of child psychology. Here are some ideas to make your child’s first dental appointment pleasant—for both of you.
For Clean Teeth, Your Children’s Dentist in Castle Rock Says Do This!
May 25, 2018
You’ve happily watched your little one grow, which has included the eruption of the first teeth. Since you’ve read that this is the best time to start brushing their teeth, you’re eager to start teaching them how to clean them properly. To help you in your quest for excellent oral health, your children’s dentist in Castle Rock weighs in with tips on how to introduce excellent oral hygiene practices.
When Should Your Kiddo Visit Your Children’s Dentist in Castle Rock?
May 18, 2018
Being able to watch your child develop is a priceless feeling for a parent. There are several milestones that will be crossed – the first words spoken, steps taken and the first showing of teeth. Your children’s dentist in Castle Rock says that when this occurs, though, one of the first steps should be to bring your little one in for a preventive dentistry visit. Read on to find out why this is so important and get other tips for caring for your kiddo at home.
Are Dental Sealants in Castle Rock Best for My Child?
April 11, 2018
Now that you’re a parent, you know that there’s one thing that you can’t stop doing no matter how hard you try: worrying about your children! Despite your best efforts, you can’t stop thinking about the best ways to keep them safe and point them in the right direction.
What if your local children’s dentist was able to take a little stress off your shoulders by providing excellent preventive care for your little one’s teeth? With dental sealants in Castle Rock, you can stop worrying—for just a split second—and be confident that your child’s smile is safe from decay and cavities!
Does My Child Need Dental Sealants in Castle Rock?
April 9, 2018
If your child has recently been to their dentist, they may have recommended that they benefit from dental sealants in Castle Rock. Now, you are wondering if they are really necessary? To help reduce your child’s risk for tooth decay, they will provide an added layer of protection. While they are commonly used in children, you are never too old to get them. You can help to protect your entire family’s smiles with a simple preventive treatment.