Is your child covered under your dental insurance? Whether you have a family dental plan or separate pediatric dental coverage for your son or daughter, it’s important to make the most of your benefits to keep their smiles healthy. Thankfully, while dental insurance can seem confusing at times, understanding the basics can go a long way in helping you make the best decisions for your family. Your Castle Rock pediatric dentist shares five tips for understanding and maximizing your children’s dental insurance coverage.
(more…)5 Tips for Making the Most of Your Child’s Dental Insurance
October 21, 2020
5 Ways to Make Losing Baby Teeth Less Scary and More Fun
October 13, 2020
Most kids are excited about running up to their parents or schoolmates to exclaim: “I lost my first tooth!” However, for some children, the thought of losing baby teeth is terrifying and traumatic. But it doesn’t have to be! If your son or daughter is anxious about having their baby teeth fall out, there are a few steps you can take to put their mind at ease. Here are five ways to make this process less scary and more fun for your child!
(more…)7 Reasons Why Kids Should Start Flossing Early in Life
September 27, 2020
Convincing your son or daughter to care for their precious smile isn’t always easy. If getting your child to brush their teeth is hard enough, you may be avoiding the question: “Should my kid floss?” However, dental and pediatric experts alike report that children should start to floss daily as soon as they have two touching teeth. While this may seem pretty early for you to try to teach your little one this healthy habit, it’s an important decision for their long-term oral health. Here are seven reasons why your Castle Rock pediatric dentist recommends your little one starts flossing every day at a young age!
(more…)5 Questions to Ask at Your Child’s Back-to-School Dental Visit
August 10, 2020
The next school year is just around the corner! Between the hustle and bustle of gathering supplies and getting your son or daughter ready to go back to school, did you remember to schedule their biannual dental checkup? These routine visits play a key role in keeping your little one’s oral health on track and preventing dental issues that could cause them to miss school later. Here are five questions to ask your Castle Rock pediatric dentist during your child’s back-to-school checkup.
(more…)Are Your Child’s Baby Teeth Coming in On Schedule?
July 31, 2020
While parenting comes with a lot of joy and excitement, it can also come with a lot of questions. Is your fussy three-month-old teething already? Is it normal for your child to celebrate their first birthday with only one tooth? Thankfully, while baby teeth typically follow a general timeline when coming in, there is plenty of room for flexibility as your little one’s smile develops. Even so, it can be helpful to have a general idea of what to expect in the coming months. Read on to learn more about when you might see each of your son or daughter’s baby teeth appear.
(more…)Tips to Make Your Child’s First Dental Visit Great!
July 7, 2020
Is your son or daughter nervous about their first visit to the dentist? The unfamiliar experience alongside all the new sights, sounds, and faces at a dental practice can sometimes be overwhelming for your little one. Thankfully, there are several simple ways you can prepare them for their appointment and help them feel more at-ease in the dentist’s examination chair. Here are some practical tips from your Castle Rock pediatric dentist to make your child’s first dental visit a great one!
(more…)Castle Rock Smiles Pediatric Dentistry is Celebrating 10 Years!
June 14, 2020
Castle Rock Smiles Pediatric Dentistry is celebrating its 10th anniversary! To mark this occasion, Dr. Benzley and his team would like to share some of their accomplishments as well as the efforts made to improve the health and wellbeing of the residents within Castle Rock and its surrounding populations. As a family-owned dental practice whose mission is to serve the community and help individuals achieve healthier smiles, help us celebrate this outstanding achievement!
(more…)Pediatric Dentist Explains How Kids’ Hand Washing Keeps Them Healthy
May 3, 2020
For kids, getting your hands dirty is part of the fun of childhood. As a parent, however, you may be worried about all the germs they come into contact with, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. That’s where hand hygiene comes in! Hands down (no pun intended), it’s one of the best defenses we have against bacteria and viruses, including COVID-19. But it’s important to teach kids how and when to wash their hands to make sure they’re being effective. Keep reading to learn more about the importance of kids’ hand washing and how you can instill good habits in your child.
(more…)Mouthguards: Protecting Your Child’s Growing Smile as They Play
April 16, 2020
As you keep your child physically active during the current COVID-19 quarantine, are you taking steps to protect their smiles as well? The last thing you need during the coronavirus lockdown is for your little one to crack or knock out a tooth! That’s why it’s so important for them to wear a mouthguard, even if they’re just playing football with the family in the backyard to pass the time at home. Here’s everything your Castle Rock dentist wants you to know about how sports mouthguards for children can protect your child’s growing smile.
(more…)5 Easy Tips For Preventing a Pediatric Dental Emergency During COVID-19
March 21, 2020
Self-isolating during the COVID-19 crisis has been challenging for families in many ways. And, at a time like this, the last thing you want is for your child to experience a dental emergency. Although pediatric dentists are still open for emergency care, it’s a lot easier on kids to avoid dental problems rather than have them treated! In this blog, you’ll get 5 easy tips for how to prevent a pediatric dental emergency and keep your child’s smile healthy in self-isolation.